Trionics, The Revolutionary Enzyme Developer!
Trionics developers is the organic and efficient developer. Made up of enzymes, a natural molecule, instead of peroxide it can actually heal the hair or at least leave it in good condition after the processing stage. Use it just as you would use your regular developers with your permanents, semi-permanents, demis, and bleach. Only 20 minutes of processing under a warm dryer and you're done! Please note that it MUST be processed with heat, enzymes are only activated by heat. Available from a 5 volume to an 80 volume!
Gray B Gone, the 17 volume in the Trionics Enzyme developers. This developer is specifically targeted for that incredibly resistant gray hair. The 17 volume is high enough to still open the cuticle of the hair and deposit without opening it too much so the gray will take the color. Replacing peroxide with enzymes, this developer won't roughen up those gray hairs. |
Lift Thru, the 50 volume in the Trionics Enzyme developers. This developer is created with a violet base to pull through the brassy tones while bleaching. Designed for on the scalp use it's perfect for any color creation. Using enzymes instead of peroxide this developer will actually help heal the hair while processing instead of harming the hair. |